Griffith Hack And Ambercite Map The Alzheimer’s Disease Patent Landscape
Although I received this report: “Clearing The Fog; Patenting Trends For The Treatment Of Alzheimer’s Disease” both directly and from a number of colleagues, I won’t presume that it has been widely read, but it should be. (A copy of the report can be found at the end of this post.) Well-known IP attorney Debbie Beadle and consultant Mike Lloyd, along with George Mokdsi, Doris Spielthenner and Amanda Stark have created a map that reveals the different therapeutic approaches to treating the disease, the relationships between the patents and published patent applications in the area, their relative “importance” and the leading research companies and institutions that are patenting in the various therapeutic arenas. Surprisingly, the report reads like a good detective novel, as the analyzers boiled some 48,000 patents down to the leading 2153 patents that fell into 23 clusters. The clusters could themselves be focused into two major groupings – drugs targeted to beta amyloid and drugs targeted to the Tau and serotonin pathways. (Surprisingly, there was nearly and equal number of patents in each group!)
Preparing this report was not all carried out by computer algorithms; it took a lot of attorney time to get these patents into the right categories, even with the help of what Ambercite calls “Network Patent Analysis” to rank patents. But wouldn’t you like to know what the top ranked patents are in these two – and even more forward-looking – areas? And of course, you would want to know who is doing all this filing. We all know that the biggest, even “strongest” patent portfolio will not necessarily guarantee a winning drug, but the report could guide you toward less well-known therapeutic approaches that are getting up to speed. Will be it a progeny patent of US 4666829, the “granddaddy patent” which first disclosed amyloid polypeptide or will it be “the next new thing” in Alzheimer’s discovery research? Read this report and your guesses –and your stock picks –will get a lot more educated.
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