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Director Kappos to the Rescue as Well - USPTO Gets More Funding

As if Congress anticipated Judge Michel’s op ed piece about the need to increase USPTO funding, Director Kappos reports on his blog this week that legislation has been passed by both houses that increases the Fiscal Year 2010 spending authority for the USPTO by $129 million, and that the President is expected to sign the bill into law shortly. 

Director Kappos reports that this legislation will allow the USPTO to immediately take a number of actions that will benefit the entire IP community, including:  hiring additional patent examiners; funding full overtime for patent examiners and support staff; accelerating patent examination process reengineering; and continuing to fully fund PCT contract work.  Mission-critical IT projects to increase the effectiveness of every USPTO function will also be accelerated.

Congratulations to Director Kappos and the rest of the Government for this desperately needed funding.

Principal & Chief Innovation Officer

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