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Janice Mueller's New Article: Patent -Ineligible Methods of Treatment

Patent-Ineligible Methods of Treatment

Janice M. Mueller 

Chisum Patent Academy
October 3, 2015
Janice M. Mueller, Patent-Ineligible Methods of Treatment, in MUELLER ON PATENT LAW, VOL. I (PATENTABILITY AND VALIDITY) (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2012), last revised October 2015


The Supreme Court’s sweeping 2012 decision in Mayo Collaborative Servs. v. Prometheus Labs., Inc. was soon to impact the medical diagnostics research community beyond the parties to Mayo. In the view of this author, the Mayo framework created the potential for (presumably) unintended negative consequences that may chill future medical diagnostic research (an issue raised by Prometheus and various amici in Mayo). The Federal Circuit’s June 2015 decision in in Ariosa Diagnostics, Inc. v. Sequenom, Inc., aptly illustrates the concern. Compelled by the Supreme Court’s broad language defining the second step of the Mayo framework, the Federal Circuit in Ariosa affirmed the invalidation under §101 of a groundbreaking patent on prenatal testing.

Mueller Patent Ineligible Methods of Treatment


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